Heitor Ernandes

Postdoc at Lunds Universitet.




Lund Observatory,

Sölvegatan 27,

Lund, Sweden

The main focus of my research is the study of how our galaxy formed and evolved using the chemical evolution point of view. More thorough research aims to investigate and distinguish the chemical abundances in various environments, from the dwarf galaxies in the halo to the Galaxy bulge passing through accreted populations.

As part of the APOGEE and 4MOST, I work studying the Milky Way to define constraints in the galactic regions. As part of the science team of CUBES-VLT and MOSAIC-ELT, I have been developing several simulations to evaluate these instruments’ performance in Galactic archaeology.


Nov 1, 2022 Postdoctoral positon at Lunds Universitet
Sep 15, 2015 Phd at Universidade de São Paulo.

selected publications

  1. Reanalysis of neutron-capture elements in the benchmark r-rich star CS 31082-001
    H. Ernandes, M. J. Castro, B. Barbuy, and 4 more authors
    arXiv e-prints Jun 2023
  2. MNRAS
    Be, V, and Cu in the halo star CS 31082-001 from near-UV spectroscopy
    H. Ernandes, B. Barbuy, A. Friaça, and 5 more authors
    \mnras Mar 2022